Standalone VR (sVR)

Proven track record of delivering advanced products

Endura CHP-2882
CHP2882: Charge Pump
14V, 6A/24W, Divide by 1-4, ES
Endura CHP-2775
10MHz, 5.5>1.0V, 14A, 3 Bucks, 2 LDO, ES
Endura CHP-2630
CHP2630/2635: 5G PMIC
10MHz; 5.5>0.7V, 10A, 2 Bucks, ES
Endura CHP-2780
CHP2780: Custom PMIC
10 MHz, 5.5>0.7V, 18A, 5 Bucks, 7 LDOs, ES

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